Not much of a picture, cannot see who is where but the story that goes with the picture makes up for the less than clear photograph.
At the right of center in the front of the view, with his back to us, is CSM Quiroga. To "Q's" front and at a greater range, wearing a soft cap, is BG Burke. The CG had come to C2 28 April to award a bunch of Bronze Stars w/V for actions during 1 through 5 April 1970.
Everybody is lined up and looking good. BG Burke has just started the ceremony. 30 seconds after this picture was taken the first 122 rocket hit the base. Troops run for cover, CSM "Q" throws himself over BG Burke, in the process darn near crushing him, and the next rocket hits. "Q" half drags and half carries BG Burke down the steps into the TOC. Gunships come on station, the rockets stop and BG Burke goes back to Red Devil. He sent the awards up by messenger the next day. I think the reason he didn't come back was his fear that CSM "Q" might jump on him again.
Darned NVA. Have they no feel for ceremonies? They could have let this one go. Think of the neat pictures we might have gotten.