Throughout history warrior classes have honored their dead. The Viking raiders composed epic poems that were sung and re sung to keep the honor of their fallen bright. Recruits to the French Foreign were required to learn the names and deeds of their unit's fallen and recite them on demand. The Japanese Samurai warriors cast the pedals of the chrysanthemum on the tidal waters and chanted their memories as the pedals, representing the departing souls, drifted away. Even cadets at the US Military Academy are constantly reminded of the "Long Gray Line" that went before them.

These traditions are more than just ritual, they are a powerful way to immortalize the memories of those compatriots that gave their all. The songs, the names, the symbols, make a lasting memorial to the fallen comrade as individual, not just another statistic. The time is right for the survivors of 1/61 and TF 1/61 to place the final flower on the graves of our fallen friends.

Join me in remembering fallen comrades in arms that we knew and loved.



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