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Here are what previous visitors have written about my web site:
8/30/2013 1:53:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Cynthia Ross Roberts -
I have been to your site in the past enjoyed it very much. posted in your log book when u still could. a few years ago a man, helicopter pilot named Philip E. Morris contacted me thru my space, but I have been unable to get back to MySpace to retrieve his emails and am hoping he visits your site so as to make contact again. he was the helicopter pilot that went down trying to fly wounded out the night My dad died and what he had told me helped immensely. if. by any chance he could see this or if anyone else at all who knew my dad wishes to email me they can at cynthiaroberts82@yahoo.com. my dad was Dennis Wayne Ross
thank-you for your service. we will never forget! God bless you and keep you safe sincerely,
Cynthia Ross Roberts
8/13/2013 2:26:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Robin P. Ritchie -
Comments: My name is Rob Ritchie and I served with the Fifth Mech from November, 1970 until the Brigade deactivated.
I served as the BDE S3-air during the first part of Lamson 719 and then as CO B/1-61 until deactivation. Bravo company was the last US Infantry unit operating on the DMZ.
Robin P. Ritchie, Managing Partner
Stillwater, HCS, LLC/Consolidated Medical Staffing
Tel: 832-615-7691
Fax: 888-558-7528
8/4/2013 3:45:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jeff Frame -
Comments: I am trying to locate Richard Franey, he was a scout dog handler with the 43rd Ipsd. The dog he handled was named Bounce. Bounce was raised by my grandparents. Richard had sent them a Christmas card from Vietnam. I was looking for any information about Bounce or Franey.
I believe Franey was wounded in an ambush and became separated from Bounce. According to a couple of other dog handlers with the 43rd, Bounce was in the bush alone for 60+ days, before wandering into a US firebase many miles away, a lot thinner and still wearing his scouting harness.
They checked his tattoo number ,which is 494a, and returned him to the 43rd.
I wanted to let Franey know how much that Christmas card meant to my grandparents, and was hoping to be able to get the actual story about Bounce.
Any help or input is greatly appreciated.
Jeff Frame
7/13/2013 8:44:39 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: William Wenk - Richard Nordlow -
Comments: My name is William Wenk. I was in Arizona this week with my grandma as she passed. While there I met a veteran by the name of Richard Nordlow who served in A co 1/61 Infantry, 5th Inf Div during 68-69. He mentioned several names but mostly nicknames like: Ski, Harvey Wong, Tom Thomas & I believe a Steven Meyers who never came home. If you know of Rich and can help me help him find service members from that time please let me know. He still suffers from PTSD but manages to get through each day with hope. He opened up to me because my involvement in Rolling Thunder and my kids involvement with voluntary work at the Virginia VA care center who are 9 and 11 years old. Yes they are young but they need to understand how important our veterans are, both past and present.
Any help or direction you can give me will be greatly appreciated!
William (Cowboy) Wenk
7/13/2013 8:44:39 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Oscar E Miller -
Comments: E-4 Oscar E Miller - Served in Vietnam 1965 to 1966 - 1st of the 28th. Stationed in different parts of the war zone.
Would like to hear from others in country during that time.
7/3/2013 10:55:53 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: James Krouse -
Comments: Hi, my name is James Krouse. My Grandmother's brother, Ora W. tuttle was with the 61St. Infantry Co. K in WW1. He saw all the major battles of this unit. and was wounded in the head. He almost lost the use of his eye, but survived this however,.The family story is that ora W. Tuttle was the youngest American that fought in WW1.He was born 19 Feb 1903 in Iowa
6/16/2013 12:35:15 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Tom Cassidy -
Comments: My name is Tom Cassidy and I served with the 75th support battalion as a track mechanic and driver. I was part of a “contact team” for awhile and travelled with the 1/61 and also 1/11. I also “volunteered” for bunker duty at C2 for a few weeks. I travelled highway nine quite a bit helping to keep tracked vehicles moving. I went over with the unit from FT. Carson in 1968. I spent the first month unloading vehicles at Wunder Beach. I remember our headquarters being LZ Sharon but I don’t remember Camp Red Devil. I also went to Camp Evans a few times to remove parts from wrecked vehicles at a huge bone yard located there. A friend of mine from Seattle was in charge of the gate. A sniper just about got me on the way back one day, I was driving a 3/4 ton with one guy riding shotgun.
Thanks again for this great website and all the great pictures.
5/19/2013 10:36:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: David Keene -
Comments: David Keene HHC 1 61. July 87 then Sept 91
5/4/2013 5:16:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jim Risher -
Comments: Great site, and it is very nice to see some of the familiar names of those who were in the same unit as I. I have spoken via telephone withJohn Estrada and Captain Dean in the recent past, Stephen Wheat via email, and it is difficult to explain how great those conversations were and how good it made me feel – most definitely the equal of speaking with a close family member that one has not seen or spoken with for many years. It is indeed a Brotherhood with an everlasting bond and I have great love and respect for my Alpha Company1/61 brothers. My email address is: jrisher1@windstream.net
Thank you,
Jim Risher
4/17/2013 9:26:33 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jim Risher -
Comments: Good to see the familiar names on the site. I appreciate those of you who spend the time and effort to maintain a site like this..
I was there from the last quarter of 1970 until about the end of June 1971. Captain Dean was my CO and I was right there when he was burned with the WP. Lam Son 719 didn’t get him, but a WP grenade did. He was a top notch CO, imo.
Jim Risher, Platoon Sgt, 4th platoon, Co. A 1/61st, 5th Infantry Division, Quang Tri Province, 1970 and 71
4/4/2013 10:48:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Parks Garmon -
Comments: My name is Parks Garmon. I was acting Commo Sgt during Lam Som 719. I was back at Quang Tri turning in some RT-524s and the 1st Sgt was TCing the 1/77 C Co Command Track when it was hit.
His name was Porter and a damn good 1st shirt. I believe he had around 28 yrs of service
The Lord must have been with me that day. I think about him a lot. Parks
3/30/2013 7:45:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: George Allen -
Comments: 1/61 Oct. 1970-April 1971
Thank You
3/19/2013, 2:13 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: RUSS -
Comments: I was in B Co., 1/61 from March to November, 1969. I was in 81 Mortars, FDC. I was to go out to lead a mine sweep (road) from A4 to C2 (?) when I was stopped at the last moment because I was needed to be FDC for the mortars. I cannot remember the man who went in my place but he got just outside our gate heading south when he stepped on an anti-tank mine and was killed. If anyone remembers this incident, please let me know his name. I think it was around September or October of 1969.
3/14/2013, 7:32 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Michael J. Rose -
Comments: My father SGT James Rose was in A Co 1/61st 5th Mech in 68-69 and we came across this site and would like to say thank you. He has a bunch of pics he would like to add. If you remember him email me please at michael_j_rose1980@yahoo.com
2/4/2013 3:52:46 P.M Eastern Standard Time
From: Henry Geib -
Comments: Henry Geib
Pleiku, South Vietnam
Camp Enari
Hq & A Co 704th Maintenance Bn.
An Khe
An Khe Combat Base
Hq & A Co 704th Maintenance Bn.
Quang Tri, South Vietnam
Camp Red Devil
D Co 75th Spt Ban
Pleiku, South Vietnam
Camp Holloway
Hq's 17th Cbt Avn Gp
Like your site very much, especially the pictures from D Co 75th Spt
Bn. The one picture you have of the Draggin Wagon hauling in an M48
tank for repair and you state that George Mudweiller was the driver.
You also mention and have a picture of CW2 Craig as the armament Warrant
Officer. I was there and served with both of these men at that time, so
that would mean that you must have been there when I was there. I still
keep in contact with two buddies that served with me during that time.
Best Regards,
Henry Geib
CW2 Retired
PS - Anybody wanting to contact me can reach me at: 1SuperTrouper@gmail.com
1/24/2013 1:53:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: William (Billy) Martin -
Comments: William Martin (Billy) -March 1970- May 1970 Dong Ha Mountains Vietnam - C Co. TF 1/61 5th Mech
My dad was wounded at Gallagher's Ridge In April or May 1970.
He remembers Bob and somebody they called Greek. He tells me a story of a tank that drove on top
of a hill and over a tank mine. He talks about how the tracks flew off like rubber bands. He was hit with mortar fire and still has shrapnel in his body. Was never supposed to walk or have kids. He hurts like hell most of the time but he sure does walk on those legs. He has 5 children 11 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Glad to hear from anyone connected.
December 10, 2011 12:07:55 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Keith Brown -
Comments: Hi I'm emailing you because my dad Charlie C Brown did his basic training at Fort Jackson SC in 1951 he was in company E . I've been trying to contact anyone that might of did their basic there that knows him , or has one of the basic training year books from 1951 or knows where I can get one for him even if you don't know him but did your basic during that time please contact me @ 716-913-9446 or email me
I thank you in advance
Keith Brown
12/31/2012 11:57:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Comments: Just visited your site for information on 5th Infantry for a client returning with us in March 2013. Enjoyed the pages and information. Our itineraries are specific to unit and locations so we like to research and be accurate in our travels.
Happy New Years. Tex
INDIA 3/7 66-67
11/14/2012 3:47:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Rickey W. Boles -
Comments: My name is Rickey W. Boles (Sp4)
I served in Service Battery of 5/4 (or 5/4 Arty Battalion FDC) Arty in Quang Tri from Nov 1970- Until June 1971 or whenever 5/4 Arty Unit Stood Down. Would like to get in contact with anyone from 5/4 Arty during that time
11/10/2012 4:17:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Robb Robertson -
Comments: I found this link on the web showing the area around the old DMZ and much of it sounds familiar but it does not look the same. And an interesting amount of old ordnance just laying around. Oh well, life goes on.
11/9/2012 10:10:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Larry Warner -
Comments: Larry Warner-1970-71-A Co. 1/61. I was on the 22 track (Grim Reaper) at Alpha 4 as well as C-2 and Quang Tri. I haven't seen many names from our track, but I hope I will. Everyone contact John Estrada about A Co. 1/61 Reunions each year in different parts of US.
11/8/2012 8:19:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Ted Nordin (Zippo 6) -
Comments: I found this link on the web showing 1/61 close to the end. Seems to be from a film (before the time of video cameras and digital magic) and I would guess an Army Public Information Office (PIO) type was using the camara. The write-up says B Company although a truck bumper marking looks like C Company.
In any case there are a lot of faces, one might be you, a much younger you but we all seem to get older (except my wife I say, mother didn't raise any fools).
Take a look (at the vidio).
11/6/2012 2:05:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Larry D. Birger,Sr -
Comments: I find your website very interesting.
Larry D. Birger,Sr
MACV, DCAT TM99, advisor to 25th ARVN 50th Inf. Regiment, South Vietnam. III Corps.
8/6/2012 5:20:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Randy Jones -
Comments: New email address.
7/23/2012 9:57:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Wayne Cumer -
Comments: I'm trying to get in touch with David Tribbey, the email address I have for him and the one in this log book no longer work. We were in HHC 1st of the Sixty First recon platoon in Fort Carson and Viet Nam.
7/20/2012 7:17:56 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jack Gonzalez -
Does anyone know this man? His name was Albert Gonzales, he is/was my dad and he was in the Army in the mid 1950's. He served at Ft Jackson and Ft Carson I think. Any help at all. Thanks,
Jack Gonzalez
7/13/2012 7:15:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Larry Spencer -
Comments: New email address. Contact me at tumbleweed@inlandnet.com
Thanks, Larry
7/12/2012 11:09:16 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Kenny Hurst -
Comments: My name is Kenny Hurst and I served with D co 1/61 from Jan 1984 - July of 1986, I started out under Cpt Cook and 1Sgt Short. I was in the unit a short time before I was put in the Arms room for the rest of my time at Fort Polk. 1Sgt Johnson was in charge when I left as far as I can remember and he was a great person and mentor to me. Does anyone remember when Cpt Cook shot a hole in the back of the General's truck with his 1911. Anyway if you know me please contact me it would be nice to hear from you.
6/14/2012 3:12:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Michael M. Cowart -
Comments: Dear Col. Swaren,
I salute you for your continuing service to those of us who served in your battalion so many years ago. Your website has been a great source of comfort to many of us, and is, in some respects, the only link between our dreams and reality, a testament and tangible witness to the best and worst days of our lives. I served under Captain Bob Spencer as the forward observer for B-1/61. I hope that your health has improved, that your family is well, and that you know that you have not been forgotten.
I haven’t visited your site in quite some time; but for whatever reason, I was prompted to do so tonight, and I saw the post from Jan deBour, dated 2-11-2012. Jan was my recon sergeant for a time, and was there the day that I was wounded (January 25, 1970); and at which time five or six other men were wounded and PFC Vernon Mikell Wiggins and SP4 James Vincent Vinciguerra were killed...both within about ten feet of me. Jan found my name on your website some months ago, and we’ve talked on the phone several times since then. I did not know that he had posted a comment; and he did not ask me to verify any of the incidents outlined in his post; but I personally witnessed or participated in virtually everything Jan covers in his comments. The Duke that he referred to was my radio telephone operator and Duke’s last name was Dannenfeltser (sp?)...a big happy kid from New Jersey who was Jewish and Italian and could do a decent Lowell and Hardy imitation. I was on the hill when Duke helped rescue the body of the lieutenant that had been killed, for which he and several other men received the Silver Star. This was the same operation during which Captain Gallagher was killed while commanding A company, and during which Captain Blount and Captain Starr received the DSC in support of the operation. I was the FO that directed five or six artillery batteries from Captain Spenser’s position, in support of A company, on the awful night that has come to be know as the November Battle . I also saw the rifle that had been shot out of the hands of one of the platoon leaders during that action. He was RA and a first lieutenant if I remember correctly; but I don’t remember his name. I was also within perhaps ten or twenty yards of Hector (almost sure that was his first name...don’t know his last name), whenever he stepped on a mine and lost both of his arms and legs. I also remember our Chu Hoy scout setting rats on fire and using them for target practice. While I don’t remember the maggot infested NVA soldier in the creek, there were lots of dead ones around and I have no doubt that it happened. The bottom line is that Jan was there...and served honorably.
I would be grateful if you’d allow my comments to be included on your website. I would also be grateful if anyone could help me locate the families of PFC Wiggins and SP4 Vinciguerra, so that I can pay my respects to them. Finally, I would be grateful if anyone could help me find the names of the men who were killed when a howitzer exploded at B Battery 5/4. After being wounded, I was reassigned to act as one the fire direction officers for that unit; a job that I was not very good at. It is very important to me to find their families and pay my respects before I take the big trip.
May God be with you, with all of my brothers and sisters who served, and with our Great Nation.
With respect and devotion,
Michael M. Cowart
1st Brigade 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
4/21/2012 11:57:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Sandi Ballance -
Comments: Hello,
My father's information: Unit: Recon/HHC/1-61
PFC - E3 - Army - Selective Service
5th Infantry Division Mechanized
His tour began on Dec 4, 1970
Casualty was on Jun 6, 1971
Body was recovered from Quang Tri, South Vietnam
'Fate Loves The Fearless'
4/14/2012 5:28:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Pfc Sereseroz -
Comments: Anybody out there from HSC 5th Avn Bn 5 Inf Div from 1986-88. This is Pfc Sereseroz, the pll clerk for the motor pool. Hit me up at esjrenovations@gmail.com I live in Dallas.
4/14/2012 12:46:15 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Barry Ansell
Comments: Bless you for creating this web site. I was a 2nd Lt with A/1/61st Inf Mech. Captain Ed Vernon was my company commander. Is he still with us? Lt Rich was my roommate at Ft Carson before we moved out to Quang Tri in July 68. Great guy. I will always remember the pounding we received during our stay Con Thien. I went back for a month in 95, starting in Hanoi and worked my way south. Visited Con Tien. Discovered some NVA “art work” (pretty disturbing stuff). Also visited JJ Caroll, Vandergrift and Khe Sanh. My driver and I were the only visitors that day. With the exception of a small burned out church…there is no more Quang Tri….nothing is left. After Vietnam, I returned to Ft Carson in 69 as company commander for Co. B, 2nd Bn, 61st Mech Inf , 4th Inf Div. Col Ralph Puckett, Jr was our Brigade Commander.
My prayers go out to the fallen and their families.
Barry Ansell, LTC Ret (formerly 2nd Lt A/1/61 in 67-68)
3/13/2012 9:33:16 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jim Head -
Comments: Please note and post new email address. headline@nwi.net
Your Friend Jim Head
2/11/2012 5:27:22 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Jan deBoer -
Comments: Sir,
Thank you for this site, a pain and a blessing, God Bless
My name is Jan deBoer, I joined service Battery 5/4 Arty in Ft Carson, reported to first Sargent Pepper and assigned to SSG Reardon. Served as ammo clerk and truck driver at LZ Sharon, and have the dubious distinction of being the first member of service Battery to be wounded during the first mortar attack after our arrival there. Later I was assigned to B Battery 5/4 Arty as a recon Sgt. 13E40 and attached to A,B and C Company 1/61 at various times. If anyone remembers Duke the day he got the Silver Star, or unloading a disabled track and Hector stepping on that mine while carrying 81mm WP rounds, sitting on a track headed for C 4, almost taking an RPG, one-six having his weapon shot out of his hands, making it to a creek to drink and fill, working our way upstream maybe a hundred yards to find a maggot invested dead NVA laying in the middle of the water. Quack our chuhoy?? executing that chuhoy just as he made it to the road or Quack catching rats,
dipping them in diesel, lighting them up and using them for target practice. Taking the top off a mountain with delay 8 inch and finding a NVA underground hospital. "doc" Westfall. The large booby trap, probably one of our own unexploded ordenance which killed 2 or 3, wounded 3 or 4 including Lt Cowart, who took it in the legs and mouth.
If you or anyone you know remembers any of this shit please get hold of me. After 40 years of "self medication" now straight and sober I am finally filing and as you know the Devil is in the details. Thanks Jan deBoer
aka 8/7 golf oscar
530 284 6468
1/14/2012 4:58:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Matt Kuss -
Comments: Proud great grandson of the CO M3 in WW1 just saying hi.
Also curious if there's anymore history on the Mad Dawgs. He did write a book and it is quite interesting.
Best Regards,
Matt Kuss
12/10/2011 12:31:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Keith Brown -
Comments: Hi my name is Keith Brown I'm emailing you because my dad Charlie C Brown did his basic training @ Fort Jackson Sc in 1951 he was in company e I've been trying to contact anyone that did there bt there that might no him or has one of the basic training year books from that year 1951 or knows where I can purchase one. Even if you don't no him and did your basic training during that time please contact me @ 716-913-9446 or email me @ kbrown9446@yahoo.com I thank you in advance Mr Keith Brown
11/26/2011 10:51:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Mark Allen -
Comments: I was with the 105th FSB at Camp Road Runner, Panama. Thanks for the flashbacks. Mark Allen
Plymouth, MA
11/25/2011 11:21:06 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Glenn Carbone -
Comments: Your site brought back a lot of memories. Thanks.
Glenn Carbone
Co A 75th Support Battalion
1st Brigade 5th Inf Div
September 1968-March 1969
11/23/2011 10:17:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Gene McCorkle -
Comments: Hey Jack
I'm Gene McCorkle from Dayton, Ohio. Dates of service 6/1968-3/1970 Vietnam Time 11/68-4/69. A Company 1st Bn 61 Infantry 1st Brigade 5th Division (Mech) Wounded at Khe Sahn on April 10,1969. Lost my right leg near the hip. I'm considering writing a book but there are alot of blank spots that may be tough to recall. Your website(thank you) may help in the process. Darrell Crall on your site is a good friend.
Gene McCorkle
2668 Allister Circle
Miamisburg, Ohio 45342
P.S. Recently retired after working 3 years as a DAV Service Officer at the Dayton VA.
11/20/2011 4:36:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Howard Caracciolo -
Comments: I was with 5/4 Arty at Quang Tri Combat Base from january 1971- June 1971.
Does anyone remember when the sappers came in blew up 60 tons of Artillery rounds? It was quiet a site to see and hear. I believe it was blown up in May or June of 71.
I wish I could have traveled to all the smaller forward support base camps. I never had an opportunity to travel to them. I do, however, remember being told of the tragedy at C-2 with the rocket that penetrated the EM club.
God bless, Good Health, Peace, and Welcome Home to everyone.
Howard Caracciolo
11/9/2011 4:39:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: George Turajlich -
Comments: I had my AIT in Ft Polk. I was there in Dec 1967 and left in Feb or March 1968. Instead of going to Nam, I went to Ft Benning for NCOIC. I am pretty sure I was in A-4-3 during my time in TigerLand. Is there any way to see a roster from that period? I know some of my teammates at Ft Polk died when they went to Nam, but I could not find them on the Vietnam memorial. I just couldn’t remember their names.
I served in the 25th Infantry Division and was stationed near Tay Ninh.
Best regards
George Turajlich
11/3/2011 11:24:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Raymond C. Monty -
Comments: Sharp website!
Chief of Inspections
Office of the Inspector General
US Army Training and Doctrine Command
Fort Eustis, VA 23651
(757) 501-6567
(404) 234-0786
"Defender of freedom, righter of wrongs - lover of barbeque"
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
11/2/2011 11:09:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: David Cramer -
Comments: Dates Of Service: July 1961 to Jun 25 1964
CO. A 1/61 Ft. Carson Co.
Very sad to see the carnage suffered by all those brave soldiers who were deployed to VN, let's never forget them.=
10/23/2011 7:55:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Monty Sabo -
Comments: Hi
My name is Monty Sabo.I was stationed with D company 75 Support as a heavy equipment mechanic. Went to Nam with the unit from Ft. Carson in June 68.We were based in Dong Ha till Oct. them we moved to LZ Sharon.Thanks for the site and if anybody remembers drop me a line.
10/7/2011 10:20:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: S McBride -
Comments: 1982 - 94b10 - I was learning to be an Infantry cook at Ft Jackson, would like to here some of the other cooks stories.
10/7/2011 2:56:06 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Michael Rhoads -
Comments: thank you for your web site. i am sp5 michael rhoads. i served in nam from february 1968 through march 1970. i was with the 26th group out of quang tri and dong ha. as usual the army screwed up and put me, an infantry mos, into a mantainance battalion. we lived under ground when we first got there. because of my mos, i was elected to set up perimeter bunkers. after the 101st came and they took over security, i was sent to da nang and became one of the first m.r.e.s(material readiness expediters). i spent my whole time in nam as an m.r.e.. i have lost my yosemite sam patch and would greatly appreciate any help in securing a new one. i remember a sgt cody from the 101st and a jim webb from the 26th group, also m.r.e.s. we had our own compound which we had to trade for and because of what we traded and stole, the m.p.s were not allowed within our space. we were under the control of a general gunn. thank you for this time of reflection
9/12/2011 9:24:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Tom Perry -
Comments: P Co 75th Rangers 12/70 till stand down
101st Airmobile SERTS till 12/71
My email address from my entry dated 2003 has changed
Lam Son 719 or for us Dewey Canyon II made men out of a lot of boys.
To everyone in 1st/5th Mech who lived thru it ( and all attached units) Thank You GOD for my survival when there were an estimated 120,000 enemy in border area and along Ho Chi Minh trail. USAF averaged 52 arc lights per day.
P Co Rangers were opcon 1st of 5th and was one of smallest ranger companies in RVN.
We were not only inserted by helio (thank you Ghostriders and Redskins (101st Av.) and especially Charliehorse D troop 3/5 Cav.
But by track. Stay behind after RON with mech unit along Yellow brick road. Or better yet rendezvous for pick up with mech unit and finding out what a mad minute with tanks and 113s really was like half a kick away. (Scary)
God Bless the USA
8/22/2011 12:52:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Bernard Dave -
Comments: I was in Co B from Jul 69 to Jul 70 was Commo chief and RTO for Company commander spent time in field and in rear support depending on what was the need. Spent time lz Sharon c-2 a-4 Quang Tri and Cua Viet. When as RTO for company commander I was on battalion freq. Calling for dust offs air support and sending sit reps to battalion HQ.
8/9/2011 10:12:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Willie L King -
Comments: I was station on Ft. Carson from 1975 to 1977 with HHC 1/22 infantry. Originally we were located in the old mule barn area barracks then we moved to new barrack across post. Stayed there for a year and PCS Germany Wiesbaden and became 2/22. I worked in the motor pool. Those were the good days. Ft Carson was a kool place. At that time I was SP/4 King. If you hear of any one from that time let me know. My email address is treehousking@aol.com
Willie L King
Maps & Records
Utilities Water Div. Operations
8100 Presidents Drive
Orlando Florida 32809
Ph# 407-836-6875
8/5/2011 11:50:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Marty Hauser -
Comments: Hey Guys,
I served with the 8/4 Arty 175MM and 8"Sp's on FSB C2 in 1970. I remember you were just south of us on the C2, if I remember right there was a little gully betewn us and you and you were on this little ridge. I also remember you would make a mine sweep every morning of the dirt road leading out of C2 and every night you would set a tank at the both enterances of C2.
Marty Hauser
8th/4th Arty
7/22/2011 12:53:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Chuck Cusick -
Comments: HHC Recon Plt 1/61Inf 5th Division 1969-1970 Life member of the Society of the 5th Div
7/11/2011 9:12:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Ray Murphy -
Comments: Served from May 1983 to May 1985, B & D Co's. See a few familiar names and faces here and in the pictures, brought back a lot of memories.
7/06/2011 11:11:19 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Tony Schiozzi -
Comments: My name is Tony Schiozzi. I was a Sgt E5 in the US Army. Joined 3/1966, discharged 3/69. Great site.
6/24/2011 6:31:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Richard Gullion -
Comments: I am retired as of 29 DEC 2009. Am now living in Austin, TX. Forever a Red Devil
SFC (R) Richard G. Gullion Jr.
9500 Dessau Rd #1026
Austin, TX 78754-3139
Email: richard.gullion@yahoo.com
Cell: (512) 964 2027
6/12/2011 3:19:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: John S Hartman -
Comments: I served with 1/61 Mechanized Infantry, Charlie Company, 5th Infantry, at firebases C-2 and A-4, and Quang Tri from July 11, 1970 to July 10, 1971. I served part of this time with William Almy and would like to hear from him. If you read this Bill, please email me at yellerhead@windstream.net.
John S. Hartman
6/11/2011 10:01:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Bud Morris -
Comments: I joined the 1st/5th membership last year. Would like to talk to anyone who served February 1970 June 1970 in C Company 1/61 at Charlie 2. I also was at RF/PF School June 70-Feb 71. Just trying to remember things and make contact with old friends. My Email is Bud0063@aol.com. I live in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Bud Morris
5/30/2011 9:35:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Tom Brandt -
Comments: Greetings:
I work for the Overland Park Fire Dept. (KS). We get a break from normal duties when we work holidays. I thought I'd spend some time this memorial day trying to learn about my uncle's military service (David Hartigan). Although I met him many times when I was small, I only knew that he was an officer in the army and served in Viet Nam near Quang Tri. He passed away in 1997. My mom (his sister) has always been very proud of his service, as am I, but she doesn't know details.
I found your website today and saw several pictures of him (some of the captions have him identified as Hardigan, with a "d"). I now understand that the story of his service there is actually a part of the story of the 1/61. I wanted to thank you for putting up a fine website so people can learn about and remember your experiences. It's a treasure of information. Words won't adequately express my appreciation for the service of everyone in the 1/61, but you can trust that I am extremely grateful. I understand that sometimes staff officers aren't very popular folks. I hope he was a good officer.
Tom Brandt
5/30/2011 4:05:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: David Tribbey -
Comments: Just ran across your 5th Inf. Div website while doing some research. My name is David Tribbey and I was a Sergeant with the Recon Platoon, HHC 1/61 from July 1968 through December 1968. Prior to the 5th Inf. Div deployment to Vietnam, I was a team leader of the first class to graduate from Ft Carson's LRRP/Recondo School. The LRRP School was run by an E-7 sergeant by the name of Wheeler, I believe. He had 3 or 4 other sergeants; all were Special Forces and LRRP veterans of Vietnam. Shortly after we finally got to Con Thien (A4) from Danang via Wunder Beach, another sergeant (a former LRRP with the 4th Inf.) and I got assigned to the Marine's 3rd Recon Battalion atop Camp Carroll. We were with the 3rd for about a month and made several patrols with them. The team I was on consisted of 3 Marines, 1 Navy medic, and we 2 Army sergeants. When we got back to Con Thien, I was on Track 13 with Wayne Cumer, Paul Taylor and Jim (?) Benson. The 1/61 was my second Vietnam tour. I went to Vietnam with the 11th Armored Cav in September 1966 and returned September 1967 assigned to 12th Cav at Ft Carson. I forget now, but I guess I ended up with the 1/61 when I volunteered for a second tour.
5/29/2011 4:42:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Whit -
Comments: Please include
5/8/2011 2:34:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Gene Henderson -
Comments: Gene Henderson CWO-3 D Company May 1970- Jan 1971 In this months VFW magazine there is an article about the tragedy on May 21, 1971 when 30 GI”s were killed when an NVA rocket hit the club bunker on Charlie 2. I had left Viet Nam on 15 May 1971 but heard about it from Capt Fisher when we were stationed at Fort Knox. Am trying to remember the name of the Sgt Major that was killed in the attack. Anybody know?
4/17/2011 4:02:48 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Mike Sheehan -
Comments: Hi,
My name is Mike Sheehan. I was with the 1st of the 5th from Dec 68 to Jun 70, extended for six months. Nuts when you are young. I was assigned to the 298th Sig Co. We made LZ Sharon and Nancy, C2, A4 and some place called the Rock Pile. It was a time I will remember for the rest of my life and helped me in the civilian world. Looking at the sites not a lot has been written about 298th Sig Co and all we did our mission.
4/12/2011 11:03:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Mitchell Chockla -
Comments: My name is Mitchell Chockla. I was a member of the 1st Battalion, 11th Infantry, 5th Infantry Division in Vietnam from Dec 1968 to Dec 1969, at LZ Sharron. I was infantry, but was appointed the Company Clerk of B Company upon arrival. It was a great but strenous job, but I made it my duty to help any soldier in B Company any way I could. I brought them out of the field when ever they needed a break, 2nd R&R, Leave or any thing within my power. I left Vietnam with the greatest respect for the fighting men of the 5th Division. My e-mail address is mschockla1@bellsouth.net
4/2/2011 11:05:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Whit Whitworth -
Comments:Name: M. C. "Whit" Whitworth, Served three (3) tours in Vietnan
1st tour:
Big Red One Inf Div, 701st Naint Bn, Hq in Dian, Aug 66 to Aug 67
I Was the Commander of Company D, 701st in Phuoc Vinh, Aug 66 to April 67
I also served as the Materal Readiness Expediter for the Div at the Saigon Army Depot for the rest of my tour. It was a most interesting experience.
2d tour:
Served as the SSTR (Senior Service Technical Represenative) for the The Tank Automotive Command, Warren, Michigan from Oct 1971-March 1972. Had a total of 32 civilian tech reps working for me in total. They were most all GS-12. Had three in Thailand, 1 in Cambodia and one on an advisory team that worked in Laos but stayed in Thailand at nite. They had to fly over each day in a C-47.
3rd tour:
Same as above but a longer tour in total. Oct 72 thru July 73. However I move with my unit to Thailand in April of 73 when we received Peace With Honor or so they said. The PWH situation allowed on 50 American Military to remain in Country with the MAAG. Any time a military person went into Vietnam someone had to leave so that the total never exceeded 50. I was able to get into country one time after that to assist the few troops and the Korean Division who were the only foreign troops left there. I had to fly in via Air France to get into the country.
On my 2nd tour I was in Long Binh and the third tour I was at Ton San Nut AQir Base in Saigon. I also worked closely with the Vietnan Army Arsenal personnel which had its own group of U S Army advisors.
Also assised in the set up of a rebuild program in Cambodia.
I am currently a 100% disabled Veteran.
I would like to hear from and correspond with anyone who knew or worked with me on any of these activities or events
3/27/2011 2:02:40 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Mike Raleigh -
Comments: Mike Raleigh, Co A/1/61, 1968-1969
Would like to find Sgt. Mazzuchelli and LT. Boulware.
Thank You
3/24/2011 5:39:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: David Byers -
Comments: Just checking up on old buddies. from C 1-11/ 1/5 MECH. Mainly from '70 -'71
LT Byers, 2nd Plat Ldr for Charlie company... Just want to know if there are any other updated sites or ones just started, that'll help us with
PTSD,,, and the ones that are very forgetful, like me... Lots of stuff I can't remember..but am trying...
thanks for the wonderful site,,, I know you and others have worked hard on it... Hope ya' keep it updated and even keep it going onn for everhhh...David Byers
ISS Coordinator/Contact
Upper Classmen
Berkmar High School
3/20/2011 7:23:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: Dennis -
Comments: I am hoping to find the 5th mech and anyone from B 1/61 or my bros from Alfa and Charlie Delta or HHQ.
I was B1/61 VTR and track mechanic 7/69 -5/70. C-2, LZ Sharon.
How is the best way to get connected again.
Thanks for the help and glad you are still around! ;-)
3/13/2011 7:29:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: John Estrada -
Comments: I have located over fifty men of Alpha Co 1-61 Infantry (Mech) who served in Vietnam during 1970-71. If you are one of the men who served with us during that time period please contact me, John Estrada at Jestrada1950@live.com or 530-589-9897
3/11/2011 7:17:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Bruce(Buck)Land -
Comments: Sgt Bruce(Buck)Land - C Co, 1st of the 501st, 101st Airborne Div. 1970/1971 Served as Platoon Sgt. Anyone remember Lom Som 719/Rockpile ?
2/24/2011 12:01:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
From: Dan Parmley Jr. -
Comments: I am a military vehicle collector in Phoenix, AZ. I recently started the restoration on a Vietnam era jeep M151. After sanding down the bumperets I found the marking to be as follows.
5 = 5th Infantry Div
1 – 1 – 61 = ? - 1st Battalion - 61st Infantry
A = A Company
2 = 2nd Vehicle
Hood or Registration number “could be” 2D1554
It had various radios in it during its service life. With the 1-61.
The Jeep in the web site picture may actually be the jeep I am currently restoring. I am trying to figure out how to get more pictures or more info on who may have been the driver or passengers in this jeep.
ANY help is more than appreciated. I am obviously trying to but together a tribute to the 1-61 along with any other info when I display this jeep at parades or veteran’s events.
Dan Parmley Jr.
Tactical Vehicle Depot
4212 E. Walatowa St.
Phoenix, AZ 85044
2/05/2011 10:14:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Stephen Wheat -
Comments: Hello Col. Jack ,
My name is Stephen Wheat and though I have never met you I have looked at the 1/61 website and I am impressed by your work. I certainly enjoy your sense of humor. I read your captions to the photos I sent to John Estrada for distribution and I laughed until my sides ached. You must have been to a USAF Recce wing before because your summary of my typical day captures it in a nutshell. The only exception is that we had clam chowder on fridays as an appetizer for lunch. Ha Ha! The opulence of the Air Force was never taken for granted by me after those days I spent in 1/61. I count them as good days made more so because of the friends I made and the leadership we had. I am very happy that I was contacted by John Estrada as we were friends back in A company. I look forward to seeing him again and meeting you at the reunion in Alexandria this Labor day. Again, I thank you for creating such a good website and for the best laugh I have had in quite a while.
Yep...I enjoyed it very much.
See you there!
Stephen Wheat
1/22/2011 5:29:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Baker Gartrell -
Comments: I went through Basic and AIT at Ft Jackson, SC in 1984 - C Co 7BN 2BDE 1PLT. Would love to keep in contact with my old unit. Some of the best years of my life! "Baker"
1/6/11 2:08:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Richard T. LeClerc -
Comments: My name is Richard T. LeClerc aka "Dick" or at Camp Red Devil "Lune." I ran the small PX Annex with 4 - 5 Vietnamese. Also went out with GIs next to annex. They retrieved/repaired tanks. Also pulled bunker details. I was located next to Co P 75th Ranger (LRRP). I was at Camp Red Devil from Aug 69 thru Jul 70. I am looking for anyone who may have known me. I believe that Tom Nelson drove the water truck to my site. Sure wish I could get in touch with him. I am also trying to find out the Captain's name that was in charge of the main PX in Quang Tri. I can be reached at crleclerc@cfl.rr.com or telephone: (321) 752-7776.
Signed: Dick LeClerc, CW3 US Army Retired
1/01/2011 9:24:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: LeRoy W Bugg -
HHC 1-61 5th Infantry
Quang Tri
Drove jeep named "Miss Carriage"
1969 - 1970
12/11/2010 3:52:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Doc Sobley -
Comments: Hello;
This is Doc Sobley I was assigned to Headquarters Headquarters Company. I was at Gallagers Ridge when Capt Gallager was killed and Capt. Neeley took over the Company. I am trying to relocate anyone who remembers this firefight and was assigned to this company. I'd like to hear from you. My email address is as follows azranger138@gmail.com I was looking at the pictures and as someone else said It brought back some good memories and bad ones. Respectfully
Doc Sobley
12/09/2010 12:12:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Marty Hauser -
Comments: I did not serve with the 5th Mech. I was with the 8th/4th Arty 175MM SP on FSB C2 in 1970. Your 155MM SP would fire over our heads all the time and we went on some of the Arty. raids together. A lot of memories.Marty Hauser
11/30/2010 6:59:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Ronnie Nugent -
Comments: My name is Ronnie Nugent, Retired SMSGT USAF. My e-mail address has changed to ronandcharlottenugent@gmail.com.
I would like to personally thank you for all the hard work you have put into the web site.
Thanks and may God Bless. Ronnie Nugent
11/28/2010 8:48:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jimmy L. Wyatt -
Comments: Add new E-Mail jimmy.wyatt@rocketmail.com
I served at Ft Polk with the 1/61 from Oct 1974 to Feb 1978 and Aug 1982 to Dec 1984. I retired as the HHC 1SG 31 Dec 1984.
Vietnam Veteran 1966 1st Bn 5th Inf 25 Inf Div and 1969 - 1970 2nd Bn 8th Cav 1st Cav Div.
Like to hear from anyone who served with me at Ft Polk in the Roadrunner Bn.
Jimmy L. Wyatt
10/24/2010 10:01:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Raymond Vogt -
Comments: I was assigned to Company C, 1-61 as Plt Ldr 3rd Platoon from Oct '68 to Mar '69 and Plt Ldr 3rd Platoon Company A from Mar '69 to Oct '69.
I was told an audio recording had been made at Battalion Hqs of the NVA attack on Company A's NDP at Khe Sanh on April 28th. If anyone has any information about this please notify me.
May God Bless all our vets.
10/24/2010 10:01:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Rick Cairns -
Comments: I was with C/1/61 Nov 70 to Aug 71. Then to the 101 after the 5th went home.Rick Cairns
10/16/2010 11:45:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Alfred Hayward -
Comments: Alfred Heyward is looking for information for the names of soldiers in C Battery 3rd Bdge 17th Field Artillery unit at Merrell Barracks in Nurberg, Germany in September 1975 to August 1977.Thank you
Alfred Heyward
10/13/2010 9:43:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Jim Misky -
Comments: Most of my time in country (Dec 1969 - Oct 1970)was spent at A-4. Mainly I drove an APC M113A1 from May 1970 until I returned to the States.
Nick Name = Misky
Anyone who served with me please contact me at kmisky@carolina.rr.com
Welcome Home alljim misky
9/28/10 5:02:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Ed Davis -
Comments: Dear Friends,
The following are excellent web sites for information concerning the VA:
I have compiled an extensive list of web addresses (couple of pages on a word
doc) if anyone is interested. It is a little long to post here but I'd be glad
to forward them to any and all.
The VA has done a good job lately of being much more responsive. They are not
perfect but hey, "It's the government." It's digging through the mountain of
paperwork that is the (to a great extent)problem. As I find and receive things
that are noteworthy, I'll list them.
All the Best to everyone,
Ed Davis APO SF 96477 "69 - 70"
9/22/2010 5:20:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Mike Van Dolah -
Comments: Just ran across this site this afternoon while I was reading Valley of Decision - the seige of Khe Sanh. I was a medic with the 1/61 Recon Platoon fom April 1969 - April 1970. I am sorry that Phil Kalhagan never got back to Korea - he was the real deal, none of us really believed we would get out alive.Mike Van Dolah GRI
Cell 573-289-2950
Lakebrokers Realty
Office 573-392-8322
Toll Free 800-387-0021
9/14/2010 10:34:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Harold S Sipe -
Comments: What a great site you have. Thanks.
My name is Harold Steven Sipe, I was in the ground infantry unit November 69 to June 1970 of the 1/61 5th Infantry. I was involved in a helicopter crash on Hill 80 around Quang Tri. The rotors of the helicopters hit and both crashed and exploded killing around 4 people and a dog handler, this happened on Thanksgiving Day. I jumped out before it hit and someone drug me off the hill, anyone have knowledge please respond. I am finding mixed report dates and no helicopter accident information.
9/12/2010 2:29:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Garry C. Beeson -
Comments: GARRY C. BEESON C/1/11 JULY 70-JULY 71.
I have been searching for anyone who knew Sgt. Tom Stallman 1/61 Sept. 70-Sept 71. He was from my home town of Mt. Vernon, In. We saw each other 3 times during our tours. Sadly Tom has died. I would welcome any comments, stories and pictures of Tom. I will share them with his family.
9/6/2010 11:23:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Forest Myers -
Comments: I noticed you are still carrying our defunct web link on your link page. Our new domain name is http://www.3-5cav-blackknights.org. We've been upgrading the look as well as adding a lot of newly attained information. The "Bastard Cav" dailies, rosters, after action , and quarterly operational reports are hard to come by.
In Nov, 1966 I began basic training in 1st Plt C Trp, 4/12 Cav at Ft Carson with the 5th Inf Div ( Mech ). We were told we were preparing to be the next division to be deployed to Vietnam, We trained for the better part of a year, then after we established TO&E I was transferred to 1st Plt A Trp 4/12 Cav. As time grew nigh on completeing our first year there was no sign of us preparing for deployment.. Finally it was announced that a mechanized division would not work well on the terrain in Vietnam so our deployment as a division fizzled out. In studying the history of armor in Vietnam , armor had yet to gain any respect by the fall of '67. Considering that all the line battalions were built almost entirely with draftees it seemed like a waste to build up a division and then not do anything with it. Ultimately two massive waves of orders for Vietnam came about 10 days apart in Dec, '67 for most Infantry , scouts and mortarmen. They emptied out the Fort except for a skeleton cadre in each troop or company. In the 4/12 all of we tankers were left behind with some HQ guys.
We actually had it made for awhile, then came The Tet Offensive. Feburary '68 found 1/2 of us recieving orders for VN. By the time we we arrived in VN we had 7 1/2 months before ETS. 11 tankers and one mortarman trained in the 4/12 Cav ended up in the 3/5 Cav. 8 in C Trp, 3 in A Trp and one in D Trp.. The good news we got what we trained for, the bad news was 3/5 Cav was OPCON to the 3rd Marines up on the DMZ as a diversionary force in conjunction with the Siege of Khe Sahn. Of the 12 guys that trained together; one was KIA, one was medevaced and did not return, 2 got out at the end of Aug. to go back to college. I was one of three that made Sgt E-5 and were track or tank commanders, another three made Sp-5. 5 guys got purple hearts. On May 17,'68 we were attached to the 1st Cav Div ( Airmobile) until Oct. 31, '68. I was at home in Texas at the end of Oct, '68 thinking I could put it all behind me and pick up where I left off 2 years before but 6 months later it was clear that I was forever changed.
C Trp 3/5 Cav rolled into Wunder Beach around Aug. 1, '68 for an overdue maintenance standdown - we were filthy, fatigues were rotting off our bodies, the tanks and tracks were all beat up. As we approached the perimeter gate there they were- a fresh armored cav troop. Brand new vehicles with troopers wearing brand new fatigues and their guns and ammo were all shiny. As we started to run up next to them I recognized 3 of the troopers who stayed behind at Ft. Carson when my group left. It was mind blowing that it was A Trp 4/12 Cav-small mud ball! Their eyes were popin' out lookin' at what a tried and true cav troop looks like after running hard and battlin' in the field for lengths of time. All I could say was welcome to the real world boys and laugh and laugh...
I like your sight - keep it up. I've been searching the 5th Inf Div (Mech) high and low, I cannot find any documentation of the preparation of the division for deployment to VN 66'-67'. Doesn't matter-turns we really were not trained for VN anyway, we were trained for Europe. Fortunately my training on the M-60 Patton Tank applied for the most part to the smaller M-48A3. Having the same diesel powered engine as the M-60 was a real plus. Replacement parts were scarce and tank tactics were different than what we were taught at Ft. Carson. I adapted-I survived!
Forest "CD" Myers TC C-17 3/5 Cav 68'
8/29/2010 8:46:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Misky -
Comments: I got in country December 1969 to Nov 1970, I am looking for anyone who served with me during this time, I spent most of my time around A4, in I Corps, Most just knew me as "Misty". Co D, 1st Bn 61st Infd,God Bless
8/26/2010 5:01:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Gene Henderson -
Comments: Mike Della Poali made an entry in the log book but his e-mail is not a good one. I remember him as my VTR driver in the Maintenance section. Would like for him to contact me as I have pictures and info he is seeking. Thanks CWO3 Gene Henderson
8/05/2010 2:13:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: David Byers -
1st time visitor
Excellent work on historian's part
Kudos to all who have helped I'm David Byers, Platoon Leader (1LT) for "Charlie" CO 1/11 from 01-70 to 01-71. Mainly out of Quang Tri and off of Fuller and Dong Ha Mtn. Visited the lively Cue Viet flats into Laos on many Sparrow Hawks. Had an awesome time, left after 7.5 months to be Liasion Officer to BG Hill in Da Nang. I volunteered for extension for the field twice and was turned down due to cut back in Da Nang. The field actually was shelled the day I left on the small transport to "de de" down souh.
Looking for any and all listings of Pioneers in C Company during that time. PTSD has done me in...my memory is not good at all.
I remember a few guys but would like to hear their names again.
Thank you and God bless us all even though others did not!!
David E. Byers
Captain, Georgia State Defense Force
S-4 Logistical Services, 3d Battalion/1st Brigade/Ga SDF
678-227-3601 - cell
770-266-0300 - home
KJ4FPK - Amateur Radio
7/25/2010 10:19:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: B. Basner -
I just found out tonight that my nephew, Justin Damson, is training with the 1/61. To Justin, HOOAH... I served with the 1/77 Armor 5th Infantry Division in Vietnam July 69 to July 70. We are all "Brothers in Arms". Justin has found a great unit. One in which he can be proud. The 1/61 has an incredible history and I'm proud that my nephew is part of that history. Keep up the good work and stay safe with your military career.
7/11/2010 1:37:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Bob Balistreri -
My name is Bob Balistreri. I was stationed at Ft. Polk, HHC 1st/61st, Medic Platoon from Sept 1987-May 1990. I was part of the initial deployment to Panama in May 1989. I remember the "bubbles" where we lived. Pulling guard duty with no ammo. I was the medic in charge of supply requisition from Feb 1989 until I left in May 1990. I was also a line medic with Delta Co at NTC. Just want to say....great site and I have attached a few pics of me in Panama. (WebMasters note: See Panama)Thanks
7/09/2010 12:13:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Roger Thomas -
My name is Roger Thomas. I was in 2nd Sqd, 2nd Platoon A/1/61 Nov 69 until Nov 70.
Please see my new email address rogvnam1969@yahoo.com
Welcome Home
6/20/2010 12:05:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: David Wilck -
My name is David Wilck. I was in the 1st Bn Headquarters Company 61st Inf. I served at Fort Polk from 1986 to 1989.
Thank you for the web site and keeping all of our buddies together.
6/12/2010 5:21:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Doc Sobley -
Hello; This is "Doc Sobley". I was assigned to Headquarters as the Senior Aidman before the Battle on the DMZ where Captain Galliger was KIA. I am looking for former commarades who served with me when we fought the NVA on the DMZ. We were running out of ammo and we called in Puff the Magic Dragon. I remember Capt. Galliger and I used to fight like cats and dogs over you guys going to the rear because some of you had malaria. Capt. Galliger and I were called to the rear to see the Colonel and explain.
Doc Sobley
5/04/2010 10:25:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Mike DellaPoali -
My name is MikeDella Poali, I was with B Co. And D Co. I was there from Feb. 70 to DEC. 70. Most of the guys called me the wop. I spent most of my time working out of C-2. In 1984 I had a total loss house fire and lost all my photos, addresses and everything else to do with Vietnam. I remember some of the guys I was with. Ed, Grandberry, John Hucik, Eugene Price, Billy Coleman, Sgt. Wardwell, Sgt. Newt, Buddha, Preacherman and Slick. If anyone remembers me please contact me. I remember only bits and pieces of my tour. I sure would like someone to help me fill in the blanks. I remember when the fuel dump on C-2 was hit by mortars one night and caught fire and a guy in a bulldozer was pushing dirt over it. I remember being blown down a bunker by a 122mm with some other guys but can't remember who they were. I remember the track in front of me hitting a mine and the driver shooting out of it straight up in the air but can't remember who it was (he wasn't seriously injured) and there is much more too much to write down here. Help me out if you can, and God bless everyone of you.
6/03/2010 7:04:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Martin L Koehnlein -
The Alpha Company, 1/61st Infantry, 5th Infantry Division, Fort Polk, LA was my first duty assignment as a medic in 1981, where I obtained the rank of E-1 to E-4. I was to return to Fort Polk as SFC with the 115th Field Hospital where I retired. Started and finished my military career at Ft. Polk. SFC Martin L. Koehnlein, USA, Retired.
5/18/2010 1:08:459 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Michael Cowart -
My name is Michael M. Cowart and I served with the 5th Mech from September 69 to September 70, with the first 5 months or so as the Forward Observer for B Company 1/61. After being wounded in January and returned from the USS Repose I was assigned to B Battery 5/4 as the Fire Direction Officer. During the time I was with B Battery an accident occurred which killed several soldiers. I am trying to determine the names of these men and any current information about their families. If anyone reading this remembers the incident please contact me by email viscont@windstream.net or telephone (352 485 2955).
5/16/2010 8:41:42 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Jim -
I was at Ft. Polk in 1973. I lost my yearbook after shipping out to AIT training. Would really like to get another one if possible. Any suggestions or help? I was in C 32. The DI was Jack Tiley.
4/29/2010 12:38:03 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Robert Shimko -
Robert Shimko
Ft Polk
1/40th Armor Unit
Alpha Company
I would like to say hi to the guys in my unit, Joe Martinez from Portland Maine, Glen MacGilvery North Carolina, Sgt MAC from Florida, Dario Ricaldi, New York.Robert J. Shimko
Visteon Gauging Specialist
Phone: 734-710-4264
Cell: 313-418-6229
4/07/2010 04:30:19 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Howard Woodard -woodard@msn.com
Comments:I was in radar maintenance and had been stationed at the USAF radar site Waterboy in Dong Ha until Typhoon Doris blew us away in Sep 1969. After a short stint in Saigon I was part of a small group of 48 that came up to Quang Tri by truck convoy from Da Nang and opened up a mobile FACP on Quang Tri Combat Base (QTCB) in December of 1969 just after the Army's 1/5 had taken over for the Marines who had been redeployed in October 1969. Our unit was USAF Det. 3, 620th TCS, call sign "Pamper".
I found an article on the web that said that we were where the Marine (7th Motor Transport Group?) motor pool had been before being rotated out and replaced by the Army's 1/5.
From what few pictures I have, it appears that we were located on the perimeter of QTCB.
One friend thinks that he remembers turning west off of QL 1 just north of the airfield and driving along a stream past a Army potable water op and on into/through the Red Devil area.
Another friend thinks that he remembers that we were co-located on Camp Roberts with P Company of the 75th Ranger Battalion. I do remember sharing a few beers with those guys.
I've never seen a drawing, or any kind of layout, that gave enough detail for me to know exactly where our little radar site was located. Do you know of anything, even a sketch of the base, that would provide enough detail for me to locate where we were?
Just like the USAF I guess, we never knew exactly where we were but were always happy to tell the pilots where they were.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Howard "Woody" Woodard
23753 NE 116th Pl
Redmond, WA 98053
P: 425.968.2210
F: 425.968.2211
C: 425.761.0678
Mar 11, 1969 - Apr 14, 1969 620th TCS, Monkey Mountain - Call Sign "Panama"
Apr 15, 1969 - Nov 29, 1969 Detachment 1, 620th TCS, Dong Ha - Call Sign "Waterboy"
Nov 30, 1969 - Dec 14, 1969 619th TCS, Tan Son Nhut, AFD - Call Sign "Paris"
Dec 15, 1969 - Apr 17, 1970 Detachment 3, 620th TCS, Quang Tri - Call Sign "Pamper"
4/06/2010 9:08:03 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Tom Cassidy -
Comments: Thank you for this great site.
My name is Tom Cassidy, I was a Spec.5 with D Co. 75th Support Bn. 68-69 as a track mechanic. I went over from Ft. Carson.
I was at Dong Ha for a few days, then Wunder Beach, Quang Tri, C-2, Camp Carroll.
I have been in touch with Charles Hardesty, a great guy who cares a lot, thanks Charles.
The pictures and stories on this site are amazing, thank you all, and take care.
5 Apr 2010 19:35:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Bradbury -
Comments:Sir: My name is David Bradbury. I was with det. 3/ 620 tcs. facp at Red Devil. We were the Air Force radar site that controlled the air traffic. I was there Sept. 69/ Sept. 70. The army provided mess facilities for us. I became good friends with two of the cooks there. We actually had a little country music band and entertained at some of the NCO clubs on base. The names of these two are Don Gibson and Ray Hendricks. I have been trying to get in touch with them for many years but I have no information on them. If you could help I would be eternally grateful. Thanks for the site. May the LORD bless you and your family. Thank you for your service to our country. Dave B.
4/04/2010 7:21:25 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Ken Gaerke -
Comments:Just wanted to update my information. I am Ken Gaerke and my new email address is gaerkes@bright.net
4/02/2010 5:47:11 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Steven Uzzi -
Comments:Hello, my name is Steven Uzzi. Recon/E/1/11 5th Inf. Oct 69 - Aug 70 --- Great site, thank you.
3/31/2010 11:08:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: Robb Robertson -
Comments:I am Robb Robertson (Sgt. Inf.) Co A 1/61 from October 70 to Jan71 at Quang Tri, C-2 and A-4 (Con Tien) then Co D 1/61 in charge of the mechanics doing quarterly service on the tracks at Quang Tri and C-2 until stand down in August 1971. I served with GREAT men such as Capt. Dean, Sgt Gregg, John Estrada, "Okee" Garrett and his brother Mike De Anglis, Jim Head, James Chaney and my two friends from Wheeling "West by God" West Virgina Richard "Newby" Niehaus and James "Sonny" Stewart who also served with me not only in-country but also back in "the world" with the 1st Cav after we came home. There were others including the ones in the field and bunker that came home injured or did not make it that none of us must forget. God bless them. Thank you for being my brother and "WELCOME HOME"
Robb Robertson, RWR475@aol.com
3/21/2010 7:07:31 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Dan Plapus -
Comments:I noticed I have an old email address posted on your web site. Would you change it for me? My new email is joanplapus@yahoo.com.
3/09/2010 10:15:52 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Dennis Chaplin -
Comments:Hi, my name is Dennis Chaplin, I left Ft. Carson with C/1/61 for Viet Nam as an original member. I would like to hear from anyone who was with me.
3/14/2010 5:44:20 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Joe Murphy -
Comments:My name is Joe Murphy. I was in Nam 1968 and 1969. I was in C-1-61.
I tried to email Carl Bumgard using the address on his log entry but it would not go through.
3/08/2010 12:15:41 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Derrek -
Comments:Hi, my name is Derrek and Cpt Robert P Gallagher was my father. I would like to thank you for this site, it has the most information I have been able to get. I was 9 years old when he was KIA and have always wondered what happened. I can't believe it's all right here on this site. Thanks to everyone who helped put this together.
Feel free to email me with any info or questions, I really would like to hear from all of you.
Thanks for your service guys.
3/05/2010 9:43:41 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: David Mahoney -
Comments:I am entering this info for my husband - hoping to find some others who served with him there.
David (Boston) Mahoney - Vietnam War - Feb 68-Jan69 - 6th Battalion, 33rd Artillery, Service Battery. Thanks
2/28/10 3:47:32PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Robert Zeissler -
Comments:Robert H Zeissler… Bob Zeissler… Bob Z…
A Co 1/61 5th Mech Inf.
Dec 68 to Dec 69
I believe this is my 3rd entry.. My Kids got me on this Facebook thing.. and well I have
added a lot to it including a link to this site and some of my own pictures… Some of mine are on the site already.. thanks for the person who did all that work after the reunion in May or June of 05… Which actually help me meet my wife Minh Hai…
Anyway… A Very Grateful Thanks
for the site and the effort it takes to do this.. Thank you…
Anyone .. Check out my face book for more … Like to make contact with anyone in my unit… Either in Facebook, or aol.com (bobz9) or on yahoo.com (bob9z) Stop by and say hello…
Smile… Third Wife … 6 kids… still working… and been back to Vietnam 3 times in the last 3 years…
Now they Love us…. Nobody shot at me this time….
Life goes on… We survived……
Just remember all those who didn’t make it…. God Bless them All
Bob Z
2/23/2010 10:39:18 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mike Shearer -
Comments:Hi, my name is Mike Shearer, I was stationed in the "TOC" in Quang Tri, 1970 to 1971.
I have pic's and even a newspaper all about "Lom Som 719", Red Devil Brigade Souvenir Issue...Will send copies to anyone that asks. Let me know.
2/23/2010 7:50:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:K. Bragg
- kwb350@gmail.com
Comments: Hello,
I recently ran across the attached photo of my mortar platoon down in Panama; thought you should have it. (WebMasters note: See Mortar Platoon) I am sure I have more personal pictures of the guys down in Panama (and at Polk) somewhere although I haven't seen them for years. Let me know if you would like them.
Thanks for keeping the 1/61 website going!K. Bragg
HHC 1/61
2/20/2010 7:25:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Richard DeSoto
- rrdesoto@comcast.net
Comments: I saw the website, so thank you for maintaining it. I was a FO and worked with the ARVN in Duc Lap, Song Mao and Phan Thiet. Also had a short assignment with the 101st out of LZ Betty. Looking for a fellow named "Hemandez" from Brooklyn/New York. Also looking for Jerry Cline from Ohio. These were my RTO's.
I recently published my adventure in a book titled "Never a Hero". I continue to search for my brothers and sisters.Rich
C Btr 5th 22nd Arty
2/19/2010 10:00:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Doug Haney
- douglas_haney52@hotmail.com
Comments: My name is Doug ("Doc") Haney and I served as a Sr. Combat Medic with the 1st/61st 5th Mechanized Infantry attached to Co-A, February 1968-September 1969. I am searching for three other Combat Medics: 1) Sp.5/E-5 Billy ("Doc") Scarborough, Sp.5/E-5 Philip ("Doc") White, and Sp.5/E-5 Ted ("Doc") Spring. As a mechanized unit, we traveled throughout I Corps, attached to A- Co., out of Capt. (Doctor) Bernard F. Masters, Battalion Surgeon’s D-Co., to locations including: Khe Sanh (battle of 28 April 1969), Ashau Valley, LZ Nancy (ambush 19 June 1969) DMZ, Qua Viet 3 rd Marine Base (July 69), Bay of Tonkin. I want to see if Doc White ever received his Bronze Star w/V. If not, he really needs to contact me as I am being considered for mine after 41 years and he needs to be getting his also for the incredible job and high levels of personal risk in saving and protecting the 32 soldiers we cared for during the Khe Sanh battle and brought back home. That night was pure hell, and we came extremely close to being KIA statistics for our efforts, We were instructed by the CO that we were to get said medals, and Doc Scarborough did receive his incredibly deserved Silver Star medal. Anyone who served with1/61st Co. A, who remembers this event and the Ambush that took out three of our APCs (including my Medical APC), I would deeply appreciate your contact as well, as I have recently discovered that in addition to being blown off that APC and suffering a purforated eardrum, that I also suffered fractures to the right collarbone and left wrist that I never realized as with time the pain subsided. Our motto back then was that "Medics never leave the field but through a body bag." Thank you all who served and are serving today, and a huge thank you to all the guys in our unit who did their best to bring your medics home, and especially the Pilot who flew in with "Puff The Magic Dragon" that fateful day in Khe Sanh on 28 April 1969. You are my hero, and I have never forgotten you or your courage whoever you are. The "Wall" lists 2096 Medics and Corpsmen.
Former U.S. Army Sp.5/E-5 Doug "Doc" Haney Email douglas_haney52@hotmail.com
2/13/2010 3:28:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Frank Poniatowski
- fpony155@yahoo.com
Comments: My name is Frank Poniatowski (Pony) and I served with Recon 1/61 during 1969. I have some pictures on this web site. Does anyone remember killing a 10ft python up in the DMZ? We took it back to A4 and hung it on some razor wire. I took some pictures but they were lost in the mail.
2/12/2010 4:25:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Jimmy Wyatt
- jimmyl1@hotmail.com
Comments: I served in B Co 1/61 Oct 1974-Feb 1978, and 1982-1984. RETIRED 31 Dec 1984 AS HHC 1/61 1SG.
Would like to hear from anyone in B Co 1974-1978 and A and HHC 1982-1984.
Great web site, found it by accident, glad I did brings back a lot of good Memories. Keep up the good work.Boss Hog
Jimmy L. Wyatt 1SG RET.
2/11/2010 9:43:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Richard Smiley
- richardsmiley@comcast.net
Comments: I enjoyed your website very much and encourage you to keep up the good work. I seem to recall tank elements of your outfit coming to Cam Lo in mid 1968 to relieve the Marines. I was with the Duster unit stationed at C-3 at the time. I believe it was a couple of your M48s that came out to relieve my Duster that had hit a mine just north of Cam Lo. Any ideas where I might find these tankers?Small point - in your website at http://one-six-one.fifthinfantrydivision.com/161pg10.htm you have our Dusters listed as 1/40th. We were actually 1/44 Arty.
Richard Smiley
2/06/2010 10:29:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Daniel Ellwood
- dellwood2003@hotmail.com
Comments: I am trying to locate an MC by the name of R L Mayes who was with the 3/5th Cav. 9th Inf. at Wunder Beach in 1968. Please anyone that can help me e-mail me at dellwood2003@hotmail.com. I need to find him ASAP as I have a case pending with Waco, Tx. VMAC. Thank you, Dan Ellwood 403rd Trans. Co. 1968
1/25/2010 5:58:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Bruce Kefauver
- brucek22b@yahoo.com
Comments:My name is Bruce Kefauver. I was with the 363rd Trans Co at Wunder Beach from Jan to June '68. We drove up (convoyed) there during Tet and lost a driver just across a bridge. I spent the rest of my time mostly TDY with the 199th LIB in Long Bin. Our trucks carried a sign saying Redcatcher Express. I've been checking out different sites since 02. The last 2 yrs have had the most. Thank you for being there. It was quite educational. You can't tell me we weren't in Cambodia.
1/25/2010 1:32:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Les Bowers
- grandance28@yahoo.com
Comments:My name is Les Bowers. (E-5) US Army 1966-1969. Thailand 12/67-3/68.Vietnam 3/68-6/69. I was with the 165 Light Amphibious Co (LARC V) at Wunder Beach from mid March-Late Aug 1968. The 165th LARC V Company & 253rd Maintenance Detachment (Similar to WWII DUCW) were right on the beach with the giant LARC 60) and Navy Sea-Bee units.
One of your pictures at Wunder Beach has piles identified as fishing nets or rolls of concertina wire. Actually it is excess WWII submarine netting. Hope you can use my information and get this worked out.
Hope all is well,
Les Bowers
612 817 3989
Box 51
Long Lake, MN 55356
1/23/2010 1:31:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:David Billingsley
- alabama_rolltide@email.com
Comments:Thanks you for this great web site!
Please add my information to your log book.David W Billingsley
July 1969 - Feb. 1970
Co B, 1st BN, 61st Inf, 1st Bde, 5th Div (Mech)
Aug. 1970 - Feb. 1971
Co A, 1st BN, 48th Inf, 3rd ARMD Div
Radio Operator
HHC, 1st BN, 48th Inf, 3rd ARMD Div
1/18/2010 11:00:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Jack Waugh
- jewaugh@cox.net
Comments: Great Site!
My name is Jack Waugh; I was with B Co 1/61, 5th Inf. (Mech.) from June 1969 to March 1970. Our home base was LZ Sharon, but we spent more time at C-2 and AA. I joined the company at Vanderg rift and we moved from there in Khe Sahn. I can remember faces of the guys, but I have trouble remembering the names and nicknames. I was in the 2nd platoon on the 2-2 track. I hit a mine while driving the track on hill 162.1 was the 3rd track to hit a mine thai day. Luckily we had the driver's compartment lined with sandbags; I only received a couple of minor shrapnel wounds, fractured ribs, and a concussion. I was medevaced out, but I eventually rejoined the company after a few weeks. I remember our mortar platoon getting hit by a major NVA force, while we watched from a hilltop far above, where we were providing security for a chopper that had been shot down. That was a terrible night for sure. They should have let us return to our NDP, or at least sent a platoon back down there. One of the other things I can recall is sweeping an area at Wunder Beach and finding several gooks in spider holes, both woman and old men. I can remember the Vietnamese National Police "Maj. Minh", coming to our NDP to interrogate them. The beat the crap out of them, and burned them with cigarettes, and other things too gross to talk about. We also lost one of our guys who drowned in the surf. I have just recently corresponded to "Doc" Howell who was our medic. I would like to hear from some of the other guys that I served with.Thanks for the site!
Jack Waugh
1/10/2010 10:46:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Daniel Ellwood
- dellwood2003@hotmail.com
Comments: My name is Daniel Ellwood and I was with the 403rd Trans. Co. at Wunder Beach in 1968 when the 5th, 1/77, 1/61 offloaded. I was injured and sewed up on an APC. A typhoon hit us and our records were distroyed. I am trying to find a medic who remembers sewing up a 17 yr. old kid at the beach. I can't seem to find medics for some reason. Although his name may be "Mac" maybe McCarthy. I really need to date my injury as the mil. has turned me down for my purple heart, even with three letters, because we kids couldn't remember a date. Go figure. Funny how they can find enough of my records to issue 4 bronze stars though. Welcome home.
My E-mail is: dellwood2003@hotmail.com my home phone is 325-453-4657 cell 325-763-7440 =
1/8/2010 7:34:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Bernie Weisz
- BernWei1@aol.com
Comments: Please enter me into your logbook. I am not a vet but I am a part time historian with particular interest in Vietnam. See some of my work at
Amazon Home Page
12/27/2009 1:01:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Kenneth Howell
- kundera@clear.net
Comments:Thanks for keeping this going!
I have a new e-mail address:
Kenneth Howell
5th Division 1/61
B Company Medic
June 1969 - July 1970
12/25/2009 3:24:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Dan Fenti
- DanFenti@aol.com
Comments:Thank you for hosting this site.
My name is Dan Fenti. I served withh C Company 1st BN 61st Inf 5th Mech Div from March 67 to Jan 67.
My wife Ivy and I lived off base. Ivy, along with our room mate wives, hoasted many comrades while our platoon was doing field exercises.
They tried to provide a little bit of home cooking during a very stressful time.
I was wounded on Sept 9 1968. The only way I know that is that was when Domingo Terronez was killed. Domingo was in the foxhole next to mine when the Rockets/Mortars started to rain in. Domingo got a direct hit...I was wounded in the back right below my flac jacket. Initially I could not move. SSG Hayes was out checking the rest of the squad. He helped me to the first chopper out.
It would be an honor to hear from any of the guys who may remember Ivy, Tim, Moose or Jim Shirley.Dan Fenti
863 427 4840
12/21/2009 9:08:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Joe Grassia
- joe7743@att.net
Comments:welcome home vet
seen the website and looks good, i was with charlie company 75th combat support battalion in quang tri in may of 1971 with the red devils.
been through a lot in quang tri during the war. please add my info to the log Thanks
again welcome home
joe grassia
12/15/2009 5:37:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Dan Ellwood
- dellwood2003@hotmail.com
Comments:tried before-no luck. Looking for anyone who has the names of medics in 5th mech. Wunder Beach 1968. Need medical proof for disability. Thanks-WELCOME HOME
12/12/20092:30:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Dan Ellwood
- dellwood2003@hotmail.comt
Comments:I was stationed at Wunder Beach, Viet Nam 1967/1968. My name is Dan Ellwood and I was 17/18 years old at the time. I was wounded and sewed up in an APC and returned to the perimeter because of enemy activity. I was sewed up at my mid vertebrae and was paralyzed for a minute or so afterwords. The companies that were there were A Co. 1/77 Armor and A Co, 61st support from Da Nang. Problem, our Co. records for the 403rd Trans. Co. were wiped out as we were hit by a Typhoon during Monsoon and " THE TET ". I am hoping to find the medic who sewed me up, if he remembers me, or to see if any records were kept. If I can find a medic that was there between landing and June then maybe I can find some info. Any help appreciated.
Welcome home.
12/09/2009 8:39:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Bernie Mack
- lease711@bellsouth.net
Comments:I am Bernie Mack "Mack". I was with E 1/11 Recon from early Feb 1970 til Mar. 30, 1971. I served with a great bunch of guys. Great site!
12/04/2009 11:00:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Jerome King
- jking1@charter.net
Comments:My name is Jerome King. I was with the Service Battery 5/4th Artillery July 1968 LZ Sharon & Camp Red Devil. I like your site. Thanks.
Jerome King
11/30/2009 10:07:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Jerry Davis
- jerdon@comcast.net
Comments:Hello my name is Jerry Davis, I served with Company C 1/61 from December 68 (I think 3rd Platoon) to June 69 then with Company A 1/77 Armor until June 70 (1st Platoon I think). I would like to hear from anyone who served during this time especially Sgt Cotton's platoon. I found your site on a friend's (Gary Huber) facebook. Email me at jerdonster@gmail.com
What a great site!
11/20/2009 11:54:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Scott Osman
- scott.osman@cbre.com
I was stationed with the 1/61 December 1987 - Sept 1989. I was with 1st platoon with D 1/61.
Deployed to Panama on Operation Nimrod Dancer with D 1/61. Would love to hear from some of the "DeltaDogs" Scott Osman
11/18/2009 1:05:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Craig French
- french49@msn.com
I was in Bravo Company 1st Battalion 9th Marines. We were on either Hill 861 or 861A and Charlie 1/9 was on the other in June during Operation Utah Mesa.
I just want to point out one minor error and that's the spelling of General Alexander Vandegrift's last name. Many people, marines included make the mistake of spelling his name as Vandergrift vice Vandegrift.
Thanks for your service and welcome home.Craig French
11/17/2009 9:20:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:David Benjamin
- dydbenjamin5@gmail.com
Comments:Hello, I was in Charlie 33 at Ft Leonard Wood, MO about Jan '68. Looking for anyone in that unit.David Benjamin
11/14/2009 8:12:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Danny Cleary
- djc164@msm.com
Comments:I was with 2nd Plt and the Mortar Plt, Charlie Company, Feb 1970 to Jan 1971 at C-2 / A-4 and other places of interest at the D. I would like to hear from some of the other guys. Nelson from Tenn. Wickers from Chi. Tatum - Simmens Joe. Br. Bell Philly. Scotty, Al Mayer S.D. Sal Terminie and Pee Wee the pimp Danny Parr Ward. 1/61 guts.
11/12/2009 2:32:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:John McGowen
- john.w.mcgowen@us.army.mil
Comments:GREAT Web site! From October 1970 to July 1971 I was LT Mac, the Mortar Platoon Leader for Company C, 1/61. The web site certainly brings back memories of previous days, locations, and events. Excellent job on the "Commemoration" page. During my time in the unit we lost two of the Soldiers listed: PSG Rafael Benitez and SP4 David "Charley" Brown. I assume the site's creation and maintenance is a labor of love. Keep up the good work.John W. McGowen
LTC (Ret)
11/12/2009 9:21:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Joe Calkum
- mysugar04@msm.com
Comments:Looking for Charles that was stationed at Ft Carson in 1977, originally from Conneticut. He was an E 3.
11/7/2009 8:37:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Stanley Jaros
- soulmatesfaad@comcast.net
Comments: I was stationed with the 1/61 August 1987 - July 1991. Was a platoon sergeant with D 1/61, transferred to C 1/61, became First Sergeant of Charlie Company.
Deployed to Panama on Operation Nimrod Dancer, deployed to Ft Hood in preparation for deployment on Operation Desert Shield. 1SG (ret) Stanley J Jaros
10/15/2009 2:32:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Betty Trujillo
- betty.trujillo@hp.com
Comments: If you know any Veterans from New Mexico pass this on.
I don't have any pictures of your Friend Chris Cordova but thought you may want to submit one of his.
Betty Trujillo
10/6/2009 10:06:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Harold Singleton
- ridgerunnerharold@yahoo.com
Comments: I served with A Company 1st/61st Inf. Jan 19 1969 to Jan 1970. Does anyone have information about a firefight near Kason at night, April 1969 in which my trac was hit by RPG round? There were 2 other soldiers inside besides myself. Does anyone have information about that outcome? I would like to hear from anyone that remembers me from Nam.
Harold Singleton
Call sign Tennessee
9/6/2009 8:39:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Perry J Kearns
- perryjoekearns@yahoo.com
Comments:I'd like my Name and Unit added to your Visitor's Log:
Name: Perry J Kearns
Rank: E-4
Unit: 1/77 Armor
CO & PLT: HHC Scout Plt
Dates: Sept 22 1970 -- June 26 1971
Perry J Kearns
8/13/2009 4:24:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Tom Fanry
- thomasstarship@gmail.com
Comments:Welcome home!
I am Tom Fantry. I was with 2/34 Armor RECON! Sept '67 - Sept '68
We ran cover for two flame tracks. Any connection?
Hope all is well!!! Catch you later.
God Bless,
8/13/2009 4:23:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Michelle Decatur
- Michelle@MichelleDecatur.com
Comments:Hi -
I am trying to find a James/Jim McLean for his son and daughter-in-law. I'm into the ancestry.com thing and they would like to start a family and have some info regarding this man. His son's name is Rick Eldridge (mother's second husband's name).
He was stationed at Ft Carson in 1969.
Any ideas?
Michelle Decatur
7/26/2009 11:39:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Thomas Mangine
- parasitewasp@hotmail.com
I just found your site on Google.com.
SPC Thomas E. Mangine
First Squad 2nd Platoon B Co 1/61 Inf
1985 to 1987
Road Runner
7/23/2009 8:54:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Tim Hayes
- tandlhayes@oregoncoast.com
Comments:Thanks for hosting this page.
My name is Tim Hayes. I was a fire team leader in the same squad and fire team as Domingo Terronez. I had read the entry last year which finally told me that Terronez had been taken home.
Recently I ran across an entry in another site asking for information on Terronez by a Marine and relative of Terronez's. He was seeking information on him for a family history project he was putting together and therefore I am feeding the information to him. This is a good site.
I have not found official sites that deals with descriptions of the battle of Rocket Ridge Sept. 9, 1968; I think the officers who planned it did not cover themselves well.
Many people were wounded before we started firing back, at least, I don't remember any retaliation prior to my being wounded by mortar fire. Perhaps that did happen after I was helicoptered out. Please clarify for me.
Anyway, Thanks again for the site and information.
Tim Hayes
C Co 1st. Bat., 61st. Infantry
7/15/2009 1:37:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Jerry Oliver
- jerryao@bellsouth.net
Comments:Change of email.
Company A 161st
June 69 till June of 70
Track Driver 1/4
7/6/2009 9:29:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time
- Ctbrack@aol.com
Comments:Can anyone give me the dates of the mortar platoon fire at LZ Nancy? Also the fire fight outside of firebase Charley in the DMZ.
I was with A Troop 4/12 Cav.
7/6/2009 8:34:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Mark Keever
- markckeever@yahoo.com
Comments:A new member to the lineage, currently under going training from Arizona. Grandson of Gail E Keever, 69th Cav Recon - 25 Jan '43 to 10 Feb '46. Michael Keever
C Company - 1st Battalion - 61st Infantry Regiment
1st Platoon "Renegades"
Ft. Jackson, SC 29207
Learn your trade well!
Uncle Mark C Keever
Phoenix, Arizona
7/5/2009 3:12:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Tim Hayes
- tandlhayes@oregoncoast.com
Comments:My name is Tim Hayes, Sergeant E5 1st./61st, C Company, Red Devils.
Looking for a few good men. Anyone know Finney or Dave? Last time I saw Finney was when I rolled him off my back into a bomb crater. Both of us were wounded from mortar shrapnel on Rocket Ridge (I believe) on July 9th '68.
6/6/2009 11:59:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Howard Sands
- h_sands@comcast.net
Comments:My name is Howard Sands and I served with the HHC Security Platoon from Jan 1971 until stand down in August 1971.
5/20/0910:31:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Kenneth Howell
- kundera@comcast.net
Comments:Members of B Co 1/61, June 1969 - July 1970: does anyone have info on radio operator "Duke" of B Company?
Our APC (Medical) running poorly, the platoon moved on without us. We took RPG rounds. One miraculously missed our heads as we rode atop APC behind driver. Last round so close it burned the lips of "Duke". The driver was John "Doc" Lewaniek (last name spelling might be "off").
Me: Kenneth "Doc" Howell, mostly with 2nd platoon and later senior medic.
We were with Captain Smith at the time.
See earlier post for more names.
5/20/0912:26:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Kenneth Howell
- kundera@comcast.net
I was a medic serving in Company D, 1/61 at LZ Sharon, A4 and C2. I was attached to Company B under Captain Smith, primarily with 2nd Platoon.
Hope all is OK with everyone.
Special thanks to all, you helped me make it.
Hello Weise, the Wop, Stewart, Addeo, O'Malley, Constanza, Robbie, Leiwaniek, Duke, Phil Hafner, Junior Vadnas and George.
I have not forgotten faces, but age has dimmed some names
Kenneth "Doc" Howell
5/14/09 12:28:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Henry Geib
- 593rdSandSCo@gmail.com
Comments: My name is Henry Geib and I was assigned to D Co 75th Spt Battalion from 1970-1971. I got reassigned to Quang Tri Camp Red Devil after standing down with the 4th Inf Div in An Khe. I'm looking for anyone that might remember the time (I'd say around January-February 1971) when the D Company 75th Spt Bn company area took mortar fire and as an end result the ammo dump got blown up. As I remember it was 52 tons of ammo going up all at once. I was sitting on a perimeter bunker and go blown off the bunker. The next day I drove my shop officer (CW3 Olds) around the ammo dump to check the damage. Anybody remember CW3 Olds, Sp4 Kenneth DaViega, Sgt Greg Freyler, SSG Joe Creati, Sp4 Bob Lang or SP4 Tommy Landis? If anybody remembers me, I always had two dogs with me, Ralph and Shep. I had to give them up when I came back to the states, however an E-7 asked if he could have them and he promised he would get them back to the states. I would like to know if they ever made it back. I still have pictures of those two dogs and got them enlarged and they hang on my wall today. I did return to Vietnam in 1972 and stood down as one of the last combat troops to leave Vietnam in 1973. The last official combat troop departed Vietnam on 23 March 1973 and I departed 22 March 1973. At that time I had another dog and I did get her back to the states. She survived with my parents and lived to be a ripe old age in comfort.
Thanks for the site. email: 593rdSandSCo@gmail.com
4/12/09 2:18:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:John Estrada
- jestrada1950@live.com
Comments: I have a new e-mail address jestrada1950@live.com
I served with A Co 1/61 1st platoon, 1970-1971. I have located a dozen of us and some plan to attend the 5th Division reunion. I would like to hear from anyone else that served with us.
John Estrada
4/07/09 4:32:27 PM Eastern Dayligh Time
From:Wayne Cumer
- wcumer371@verizon.net
Comments: I have a new e-mail address wcumer371@verizon.net
I served in HHC 1/61 recon platoon 1968. I would like to hear from any of the men I served with.
3/29/09 2:19:33 PM Eastern Dayligh Time
From:George Cooper
- cooperg36@yahoo.com
Comments:I served in HHC, S-1 Section, 1/61 from APR 85 until NOV 86. I've got a lot of pictures from our NTC rotation in Nov/Dec 1985 that I'd be glad to share with anyone who was there and may want them. Also I have pictures from Ft. Polk during that time frame. I drove the ALOC 577 and made it to SP4 before I ets'd.
Have a lot of good memories of those times and the people were super.
Still have my Roadrunner Challenge Coin that 1SGT Baldwin passed out.
RoadrunnerGeorge Cooper
E-mail address: cooperg36@yahoo.com
3/29/09 1:48:52 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:D.W. Jordan
- dwjordan@mac.com
Comments:I am looking for any Nimrod Dancer participants to help with getting a AFSM for the Operation. Please e-mail dwjordan@mac.com
3/24/09 12:04:26 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:Daniel Phariss
- dphar@mtintouch.net
Comments:Served with 2nd Plt, B Co. 1/61 Sept 1970 - June 1971. 2-1 and 2-3 track. 2-3 the "Sorry Bitch"
Zubrick, Roy Blythe, King, Sgt Peck, Drozd, Lt. John Coakley,
Vince Cisneros, Banks and all the rest. Hope you are doing well.
Anyone remember the Lt. "Ensign Parker"/ "Dufflebag"?
3/24/09 7:23:18 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:Sue Cooper
- suebobred@yahoo.com
Comments:March 5,2009
472 Mildred Lane
Glen Mills,Pa.19342
Dear Sir,
I am writing you to see if you can help me in any way. My son's Dad was killed in Vietnam in 1967 and my son was 3 when his Dad passed and doesn't remember what he looked like, so I am tying to find someone who might have been with him in basic training or in Vietnam who might have a photo of him. I have tried so many different things over the years and never had any luck and I don't want to give up for somewhere there has to be someone who knew him or someone that has a yearbook from basic training or a photo from Vietnam. Here is the information I have as to where he was.
Name: David C. Stanley U. S. Army
Basic Training: Fort Jackson Oct 66, finished Dec.2, l966, he was in Company C, 2 Bn.
He went to Vietnam March 28,1967. Co B, 2d In, 1st Inf Div, was killed Sept 14, 1967 he was in South Vietnam Binh Duong, was killed by Hostile fire, a ground casualty.
If you can anyway help me to find someone it would mean a lot to my son and to me.
Here is my email addresssuebobred@yahoo.com or you can write me to the address above. I thought maybe the Vietnam veterans assoc. could be of help. I have gone on to many things on the internet and have had no luck. I would appreciate anything you could do for me.
Sue Cooper
3/14/09 2:10:32 PM Eastern Standard Time
- b_ouellette@hotmail.com
Comments:I am sure I will need anyones recollection of a Land Mine incident on the road to A4 on or about 6 Apr 70 at approx 9 PM. We were traveling back to A4 and my track hit a land mine. The flame lieutenant hurt his foot and I hurt my back. Any statement or recollections would be appreciated.
Previous LT
2/28/09 2:17:11 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:Robert M Delson
- rmdelson77@aol.com
Comments:Served with the 5th Inf. Div.Hq.Co. in Augsburg, Germany from 1954 to 1956 when we gyroed to CA.
Looking for anyone who served with me.
Thank you.
2/23/09 9:52:35 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:Ski Chrostowski
- papaski50@yahoo.com
Comments:My name is Chrostowski. I was trying to get any info about a 113 that was destroyed outside the north gate of C 2 some time in 70 or 71. If anyone remembers what happened to it please contact me.
Wishing all of you my best,
2/23/09 8:47:15 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:Danny Riley
- riley5750@charter.net
Comments:Came across your site while searching for info on my Vietnam unit. Great site you have.
My name is Danny Riley and I live in South Carolina. I was with 5/4 Arty, arrived in country in Sept of 70. Was assigned to HHB motor pool in Quang Tri until I was assigned to motor pool of C Brty at FSB C 2 in Jan of 71. I drove the VTR (wrecker for tracks) and stayed there until I went home in Aug 71. Also took part in Lam Son 719 at Khe Sanh.
Would like to hear from anyone that was there and remembers me. I have pics of a lot of guys but have a hard time putting names with faces after all these years.
2/18/09 11:53:35 AM Eastern Standard Time
Comments:I am seeking anyone that may have known my 2nd cousin, have any photos of him or anything to share with me about him. His name was Leslie Wayne Worl. From Long Beach, Los Angles County, California. From the SP4-E4-Army- Selective Service 5th Infantry Division Mechanized. Was killed. (His tour of duty began on Aug 27, 1868 Casualty was on Mar 27, 1969 in QUANG TRI, SOUTH VIETNAM HOSTILE, GROUND CASUALTY GUN, SMALL ARMS FIRE Body was recovered. Religion DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, Leslie was a rifleman from Bravo Company.
2/15/09 3:47:31 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:Milton Bryant
Comments:Milton Bryant, 1SG (RET) Recon Team Leader E Co 1/11 Recon from October 1970 to April 1971.
There are still a lot of us 5th Infantry guys out there.
2/15/09 3:02:43 PM Eastern Standard Time
Comments:Hi, I am writing to ask if you or anyone can give me any info on a unit in the years 1966-1968...it was the 1st B 70th armor 24th Inf Div from Ft. Riley Kansas (around those dates)...my question is...did this unit go to Viet Nam or Germany or both? I have some questions that I need to put to rest about things told to me...any info will be so helpful. Can you reply to this e-mail address? Thank you for your time...
2/11/09 12:53:20 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:George Stacy
Comments:Looking for anyone who was at Fort Polk in 1988 to 1990 in E Company. I was 11 Hotel TOW gunner, 3rd Squad, held it down for Sgt Ray and Popcorn. Cannot forget LT Kevin Arata, a good LT and a better friend. Served with Cooper, German, Perkins, Messner, Joseph, Doyle Alexander, Stoval, Smitty, Giordano, Capolla, Barnes, Stuckey, Lassiter. Where you all at?
And please note my new email address george34stacy@yahoo.com.
2/10/09 12:23:17 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:Mike Shearer
Comments:In country July 70 til Sept 71. Worked in TOC @ 5/4 Arty - Quang Tri, Dong Ha area, assigned to different units in my 14 months, 3/5 Cav, 1/11 Infantry as we all went down the Yellow Brick Road-Lam Som 719.
I sent copies, pic's and Red Devil publications to some other vets, haven't heard anything for a year or so, so thought I would send an update.
Mike Shearer
Alta Loma, California
2/09/09 4:11:40 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:Rory R Jones
Comments:Year 1971 Aug-Nov basic training Ft Knox Ky. Unit was C24. Looking for any info. Year book, etc. Lost all of mine in a fire, Thanks, fellow Vets.
2/6/2009 3:22:28 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:Jay Swartz
Comments:My name4 is Jay Swartz. In 1968-69 I was in Vietnam passing out Malaria pills and doing first aid for Fox Battery 2nd Bn. 12th Marines. In June of 69 we were sent out to FSB Tenaru during Operation Utah Mesa. Tenaru was mostly made up of Army Armor with Fox Battery and India Co. 3/9 in the southwest part of the hill. On June 27th the enemy attacked Tenaru. We had 2 killed and India had 4 killed. I was just doing research and happened on your site and wondered if anyone remembered the fight. I think there was over 200 NVA killed but my memory isn't so good now. After the battle was over I walked into the battle field and there were lots of dead people. If anyone remembers please contact me.
Semper Fi
1/22/09 12:06:47 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:Cherie Trujillo
Comments:My name is Cherie Trujillo and I am looking for anyone who served with my two uncles. Sgt. Gabriel Trujillo Army B/2/17 Cav 101 Airborn Division in South Vietnam in province Thua Thien in 9-7-70 thru 2-15-71 and Pvt. Paul Trujillo, Army 32nd Arty. Rgt, 23rd Arty Group, 2 Field Force in Lam Son 11-10-70 thru 11-4-71. Both died in Vietnam and my father has talked a lot about them. I would like to locate anyone who might have served with them or knew them. I was born in 1971 and would like any information I can get.
Thank you.
Cherie Trujillo
12/25/08 12:04:19 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:John Henderson
Comments:I served with the MP Detachment of the 97th General Hospital from 1955 to 1957. Also played football with the NACOM Black Nights during the 1956 championship season.
I am looking for old friends.
12/19/08 6:30:55 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:David Jenkins
Comments:Hello, my name is David Jenkins, SN RA14913375. I was with A/1/61 5th INF at Dong Ha in 1968.
I would like to find some of the men that I served with. I can't remember their names, we all had nicknames.
12/18/08 6:29:23 PM Eastern Standard Time
Comments:I served at Ft Carson from Jan 67- July 67 as a drill instructor in Co.B 1st BN.61st Inf .Regt.pushing the men through AIT.after which we were made a Mech.infantry Div. We finally stopped polishing our APC's in the motor pool .It was so great to start training with the equipment on the courses and ranges. I was the main DI in our Company. I thought I was done with all the marches, etc and inspections ...was I wrong.
Us VN vets were sent here to start up a new unit for activation for VN using all combat experiences from every VN vet by relating all our experiences and tactis. I made sure each night all men in my care sat down for group discussions about VN. Their survival depended upon what they learned.
We set up the VN training center and courses to prep safety and for ease into combat through strict repetitive training until it became instinct. Every man was capable of putting the 50 cal.together in the dark and this training was stressed every chance. We cross trained in crew use of the APC so in case if needed we could perform our mission. My squad took best in Army ATT's in July 67.
Because of move out to VN every unit trained NCO's in key roles to ease the flowage of men and equipment. I along with other NCO's were sent to the Air Force base to become fully qualified load masters. We received the full course in 6 weeks and I was the ARMY / AIR FORCE liasion load master Non Commissioned Officer in charge for move out for the 5th Inf.Div.
I returned home in July 67 and ended my enlistment in July 70.
Hopefully our training goals saved a lot of those who entered VN.
I am proud to know we have a web site.
I served 2 tours in VN 66-67 and in Dec.07 located my M-60 gunner and in Jan. 08 my ammo asst. I served in Company B 1st Bn 14th Inf Regt 25th Inf Div.3rd Bde Task Force Seperate, Pleiku VN as VN interpreter, Wpn's sqd.,fire team ldr.and sqd.ldr. Wounded twice and finally recommended for the Medal of Honor by my machine gunner after 41 years for actions on Nov.19-20 1966 at LZ LANE Plei Djerang.
MY MOH papers are being processed by Senator Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota., and the White House.
12/07/08 8:28:27 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:Randy Allison
Comments:My name is Randy Allison and I was in Vietnam from the time we went over from Ft. Carson until Jan. of '69 when I came home.
Please add me to the list.
I was in HHC of 1/61 and worked in S-2.
Randy Allison
11/06/08 11:48:23 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:Jim Graber
Comments:Thanks for the site, I've enjoyed reading the postings! My name is Jim Graber, I was an 11-Delta with the 1/61, 5th Mech at Alpha 4 from July 1970 to December 1970. It seems that I have blocked out a lot of Vietnam and can only remember bits and pieces - I can't remember what company I was in, I can see the faces of guys in my unit but cannot place a name to them. I do remember Snag and my Platoon Sgt was SSG Peterson. I got to leave after 6 months because my brother was in Vietnam at the same time. If you remember either of these guys, or me, please email me at graber15501@yahoo.com. I'd enjoy hearing from you. I was from Los Angeles and was a PFC the whole time I was in Vietnam.
11/06/08 8:28:27 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:Richard G Guillion Jr.
Comments:Please update my email address. I am still on active duty for another year. My new end date is October 09 and my ETS from the Texas National Guard is 31 October 2010. My new email address is Richard.Gullionjr@conus.army.mil.
11/06/08 7:59:45 AM Eastern Standard Time
From:Wane Wolcott
Comments:I was with 19th S&S Qui Nhon area 1967-1968 time frame. I spent considerable amount of time driving convoy between there and Pleiku. Good site. With the color it is hard to find individual without scrolling the whole thing. Would like to hear from others that served there.
10/30/08 8:42:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Michael Shipley
Comments:My name in my Army days at Ft. Polk was PFC Shipley, Michael. I was in HHC 1/61 Battalion Maintenance. My MOS was 63t and I was first assigned as the Battalion Maintenance Officer driver. Later I was assigned to HQ 88 the M-88 Recovery Vehicle.
I am looking for anyone who remembers those days or remembers me. My email is midiajmt@tampbay.rr.com. Please reply as Ft. Polk Army Buddy.
10/15/08 8:12:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:R. Jason Bennett
Comments:I am 2d Lt. R. Jason Bennett, I was in Echo Co. 1/61 for basic training Jan – Mar 08. We were told of the proud lineage of the 1/61 by LTC Scott W Heintzelman during one of our formations on Red Diamond Field. Its great to see a website dedicated to carrying on the proud legacy. I enlisted at 32 to be an officer, and recently graduated from OCS. I met some of the greatest people I ever have at Ft. Jackson and am proud to serve with such people.
Lt. Bennett
1/119th F.A. Charlie Battery
10/12/08 8:42:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Charles Hardesty
Comments:Would like to contact Gary Lee and/or Goff Mahler.
I was with the 5th Div from March of 1968 at Ft Carson until Aug of 1969. I was assigned to D Co 75th Support Bn and was attached to HHC 1/61 as a member of a Direct Support Contact Team. I left Wonder Beach with 1/61 and was with them until they moved to LZ Sharon. If you have any info on other members of the 75th Support Bn I would appreciate that also.
Thank you very much--
Charles Hardesty
10/5/08 11:33:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Jim Straight
Comments:My name is Jim Straight and I was part of the unit out of Quang Tri from 5 March 69 to 5 March 70.
9/27/08 6:42:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Raymond Ford
Comments:Good Evening,
My name is Spc4 Raymond Ford. I was a memeber of HHC 1/61 from November of 1988-June 1990. I was supply specialist during Panama. I have several good pictures from Panama if you would like me to email them to you.
It is a very nice suprise to find your site.
9/16/08 7:20:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Terry Garner
Comments:My name is Terry Garner, I was in CSC 1/61 from Feb 77 to Oct 79 in AT Plt. Made 2 trips to Panama and one to REFORGER 78.
I was glad to find your site as I have heard nothing about the 61st Inf. Or the 5th ID much at all. I reup'd and went to B Co. 2/75 then got hurt and medically retired in 82. Some of the training was high speed/low drag. I remember when we fired live TOW missiles the first time. I had to go to "school" just before I was supposed to fire a missile, I was ticked. I got my GED though and that opened doors for me later.
Great site. Thank you!!!!!!!!!
8/31/08 8:13:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Harold Phillips
Comments:SSG Harold Phillips, D1/11 from Apr '69 til Apr 70. My unit was heavily involved in TF 161 in November 69. THE PATROL to extract the 1/61 platoon and chopper personnel from the bunker complex consisted of my Capt, LT, me and some of my squad. I've met a couple of those 1/61 guys at our reunions. I''ll always be honored and happy that I played a part in their coming home.
8/13/08 11:35:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Ed Davis
Comments:Subject: Social Security for Vets (UNCLASSIFIED)
Please share this with anyone who's had active duty service prior to January 2002 and planning for retirement. In a nutshell it boils down to this: You qualify for a higher social security payment because of your military service, for active duty any time from 1940 through 2001 (the program was done away with in January 2002). Up to $1200 per year of earnings credit credited at time of application - which can make a substantial difference in social security monthly payments upon your retirement. You must bring your DD-214 to the Social Security Office - and you must ask for this benefit to receive it!
Soc Sec website:www.ssa.gov/retire2/military.htm
This is something to put in your files for when you apply for Social Security down the road. It is NOT just for retirees, BUT anyone who has served on active duty prior to January 2002. FYI - this benefit is not automatic, you must ask for it!
Hey, it's our money and every little benefit helps.
: 8/9/08 4:18:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Raymond Graham
Comments:Hello...I am SFC Graham, Raymond. My father served in Vietnam from 69-70 time frame with the 5th INF DIV, HHC 1/61 INF. I have been looking through many sites trying to find a Battle Roster of HHC and without any success. At the time served he was a SGT, SGT Bobby Graham.
Any help to locate a roster would be greatly appreciated.
8/4/08 8:19:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Steve Wood
Comments:Email change from steve331@bristolelder.org to stevewd05@comcast.net
7/30/08 9:08:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Larry Williams
Comments:Larry Williams. (learch). I served most of my time at Ft. Carson Colorado. 1/61 HHC. 1972-74. Medic Spec.4.
New e-mail laurwllms@verizon.net. If anyone remembers; drop a line.
7/29/08 3:38:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Frank Conn
Comments:Welcome home, y’all. Was in HHC, VII Corps in the I Corps area, in Phu Bai from September of 1969, then moving to Camp Horn, Da Nang in early April of 1970. I was in the Corps Signal Section during that time. If any of you recognize my name, don’t let it scare you off, would like to hear from you. E-mail me at
7/26/08 5:32:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Stephen Morris
Comments:I was in the 5th Infantry Division Mechanized, Colorado Springs from 12 / 63 through 09 / 65 assigned to HHC, 5th Infantry, the big red brick building. It was my pleasure to have worked in the office of Brigadier General Charles B. Smith my entire time there. I did not know how lucky I had it until many years after leaving the service but I was, after all, only eighteen at the time. Now to look back at it I had the best job someone could have had...
Stephen Morris
7/26/08 12:57:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Bud Morris
I served in Quang Tri province from February, 1970 to February, 1971.
I served with Charlie Company 1/61st on Charlie 2. I was there from February to June. I was then reassigned as CO of the RF/PF school at Quang Tri Combat base.
I haven't had contact with anyone from these units since.
Bud Morris
950 E Northfield Blvd.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
7/21/08 8:34:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Don Bludworth
Comments:This is an outstanding website.
I served with Frank Nelson in Armor AIT at Ft Knox, Ky, and then in the armor NCO school also at Ft Knox. All of the graduates were deployed at the same time to Vietnam, in early Sept. 1968. I served an 18 month tour with the 1st Bn 5th Mech. Inf, 25th Infantry Division in such places as Dau Tieng, HoBo Woods, FSB Patton, and FSB Devins all in the Iron Triangle area. I was a track commander and later a Plt SGt. I remember Sgt Nelson very well and he was a good guy and an excellent NCO and Tank Commander. I am proud to have served, but I am humbled by those who gave their all. SSgt. Don Bludworth
7/21/08 6:14:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:Robert (Bob) Matakonis
Comments:Great Site. Thanks.
Visiting your site has brought back so many memories. I am attaching some pics from when I was there, early 1969 thru early 1971. I served two tours. When I first got to Camp Roberts we had to sleep in tents.
Bob Matakonis
HHB 5th Bn 4th Arty (Mech)