PVT Tuttle

James Krouse provided the pictures and the story. His grandmother's brother, Ora W. Tuttle, went to war when he was only 14 years old. He joined the 61st Regt in 1917 and is shown here while at Camp Green under going basic training. He was born 19 Feb 1903, lied about his age and joined the Army. He told the Army he was from Arkansas although his hometown was actually Kansas City, MO where the city fathers sponsored an Ora Tuttle Day in his honor. He served as a rifleman in Co K of the 61st Infantry and was severely wounded in the head (almost loosing an eye). The letter below was written to his brother in law, Ira Krouse, and his sister Vera. As a point of interest Ora had two younger brothers. One (Robin T. Tuttle) born in 1914 served in WW II, Korea and Vietnam.